Unit 4 Short Answer Response


Short answer response questions are modelled on Section 1 of the ATAR MPA examination

You are required to answer two questions from a choice of five, referring to at least one of the media works studied in the lead-up to the assessment. You are expected to use relevant media terminology and/or appropriate media language. Total working time is 30 minutes. 

MARKING CRITERIA | Each question is worth 11 marks. Your engagement with each question will be graded according to the following levels of achievement:


6 - Analyse: Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications.

5 - Discuss: Identify issues and provide points for and/or against.

4 - Explains: Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how.

3 - Describes: Provide characteristics and features.

2 - Identifies: Recognise and name.

1 - Presents limited or superficial comments related to the question.

0 - No reference to the question.


Evidence to support answer: 3 – detailed evidence; 2 – some evidence; 1 – limited evidence.

Use of media language: 2 – consistent and appropriate use; 1 – general use.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your teacher could use their professional judgement and experience to allocate the full range of marks (0-100%) to responses, that could result in the allocation of 1/2 marks for in-school assessments.

Syllabus points

Selected context: Documentary styles and traditions | Freeman (2020) & Contact (2009)

Directed by Laurence Billiet

Directed by Bentley Dean & Martin Butler

Media languages 

System of communication 

Narrative, codes and conventions 




Media producers 

Freeman (2020) directed by Laurence Billiet

Available on ABC iView: Freeman (2020) 

Cathy Freeman | Additional Contextual Information (ClickView)

Contact (2009) directed by Bentley Dean & Martin Butler