Y11 What is Popular Culture?

Popular culture refers to the cultural elements and values that are widely accepted and prevalent in a society at a given point in time. It includes music, movies, television shows, books, fashion, technology, and other forms of entertainment and media that are enjoyed by a large portion of the population. Popular culture reflects and influences the attitudes, values, and beliefs of a society and is constantly evolving as new trends and forms of entertainment emerge.

The history of popular culture can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when new forms of mass entertainment such as cinema and radio began to emerge. During the mid-20th century, television became the dominant form of entertainment, with programs like "I Love Lucy" and "The Ed Sullivan Show" becoming cultural touchstones. The 1960s and 1970s saw the rise of counterculture movements, with music, fashion, and social values reflecting a rejection of mainstream norms.

In the 1980s and 1990s, the advent of cable television and the internet expanded the scope of popular culture, with music videos, reality TV, and video games becoming major cultural influences. The 21st century has seen a continued expansion of popular culture through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, which have given rise to new forms of celebrity and created new channels for cultural expression.

Overall, the history of popular culture is marked by constant change and evolution, reflecting shifts in technology, politics, and social values.

Pop Culture vs High Culture

As previously mentioned, pop culture includes mass-appeal forms of entertainment and media, such as music, movies, television shows, books, fashion, technology, and more. Popular culture reflects and influences the attitudes, values, and beliefs of a society and is constantly evolving as new trends and forms of entertainment emerge. High culture, on the other hand, refers to the cultural products and expressions that are considered to be the result of exceptional creativity and are typically associated with a particular historical period or artistic tradition. High culture encompasses works of art, literature, classical music, theater, opera, and ballet, among other forms of cultural expression.

The key difference between popular culture and high culture is that popular culture is designed to appeal to a wide audience, whereas high culture is intended for a more selective and educated audience. Popular culture is often seen as less sophisticated and lacking in artistic value compared to high culture, but this distinction is subjective and can change over time.

In many ways, popular culture and high culture are intertwined and influence each other. For example, a popular movie or novel may later be recognized as a work of high art, while a classical work of art may become popular and widely known through popular media adaptations.

More on Mass Media and Pop Culture

Mass media plays a central role in shaping and reflecting popular culture. Mass media refers to the large-scale production and distribution of information, entertainment, and other content through various mediums such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet. Mass media has the ability to reach large audiences, making it a powerful tool for shaping public opinion and shaping cultural norms and values.

Mass media is a major contributor to popular culture, as it provides the primary means by which cultural content is disseminated to the general public. For example, popular TV shows, movies, and music are often distributed through mass media and can have a significant impact on popular culture. Mass media also provides a platform for emerging cultural trends and new forms of entertainment, such as social media, which has become a major force in popular culture in recent years.

At the same time, popular culture also influences mass media. Popular cultural trends and tastes help determine what types of content are produced and distributed by mass media, and mass media can also help to define and amplify these trends by giving them widespread exposure. This relationship between popular culture and mass media creates a feedback loop, where mass media shapes popular culture, which in turn influences mass media, and so on.

And the Internet?

The internet is a major component of both popular culture and mass media. It has transformed the way that people access and consume information and entertainment, and has created new avenues for cultural expression and creativity.

In terms of popular culture, the internet has expanded the scope of what is considered to be popular culture, by making it easier for niche interests and alternative forms of cultural expression to reach large audiences. The internet has also enabled new forms of cultural creation and collaboration, such as fan fiction, remixes, and meme culture.

In terms of mass media, the internet has disrupted traditional media models by providing new ways for content to be produced, distributed, and consumed. For example, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube have given rise to new forms of celebrity, created new channels for cultural expression, and enabled anyone with an internet connection to become a content creator. Online streaming services, such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, have also revolutionized the way that people access and consume movies and TV shows.

Overall, the internet has had a profound impact on both popular culture and mass media, and has helped to reshape both in significant ways.

Internet video platforms, such as YouTube, Vimeo, and TikTok, play a significant role in both popular culture and mass media. These platforms have transformed the way that people access and consume video content, providing new opportunities for creative expression, entertainment, and information dissemination.

In terms of popular culture, internet video platforms have given rise to new forms of celebrity, such as YouTube stars and TikTok influencers, and have enabled anyone with a camera and an internet connection to create and distribute their own content. Internet video platforms have also enabled new forms of cultural expression, such as meme culture and viral videos, which can spread quickly and reach a large audience.

In terms of mass media, internet video platforms have disrupted traditional models of video production and distribution, providing new opportunities for independent creators to reach a large audience without going through traditional gatekeepers such as TV networks or movie studios. Internet video platforms have also given advertisers and marketers new ways to reach their target audience, and have created new business models for video content production and distribution.

Overall, internet video platforms play a significant role in shaping both popular culture and mass media, and have created new opportunities for cultural expression, creativity, and information dissemination.

The most popular types of videos on YouTube vary over time and depend on many factors such as current events, cultural trends, and audience preferences. However, some of the most popular types of videos on YouTube include:

These are just a few examples of the most popular types of videos on YouTube, and the platform is constantly evolving to reflect changing cultural trends and audience preferences.

Good YouTube or TikTok content is typically characterized by several key attributes:

Engagement: Good content is engaging and holds the viewer's attention. This could be achieved through humor, storytelling, or a unique perspective or point of view.

Relevance: Good content is relevant and resonates with its target audience. This could be achieved by covering topics that are of interest to the target audience or by delivering content in a way that is relatable and relevant to their lives.

Quality: Good content is well-produced and of high quality, both in terms of its visual and audio components. Content creators should strive to create content that is visually appealing, with good lighting, sound, and editing.

Originality: Good content is original and stands out from the rest. Content creators should aim to create content that is unique, creative, and not easily replicable by others.

Consistency: Good content is consistently produced and posted, with content creators regularly posting new videos to keep their audience engaged and coming back for more.

Of course, the definition of good content can vary based on the platform and the target audience, but the above attributes are generally considered to be key components of successful content on YouTube and TikTok. Additionally, successful content creators on these platforms also often have a strong social media presence, engaging with their audience and building a community around their content.

Here is a sample comedy skit set in a high school, where a shy boy wants to ask a popular girl on a date - written by ChatGPT:

(Setting: A high school classroom during lunch period)

(Enter SHY BOY, carrying a tray of food, looking nervous)

SHY BOY: (to himself) Okay, this is it. You can do this. Just go up and ask her out.

(Enter POPULAR GIRL, surrounded by her friends)

POPULAR GIRL: (laughing with her friends)

SHY BOY: (to himself) Alright, deep breaths. Just do it.

(SHY BOY approaches POPULAR GIRL and her friends)

SHY BOY: (clearing throat) Umm, hi.

POPULAR GIRL: (surprised) Oh, hey! What’s up?

SHY BOY: (nervously) I was wondering if you wanted to, umm, go out with me sometime?

POPULAR GIRL: (laughing) A date? With you?

SHY BOY: (ashamed) Yeah, I know I’m not, you know, popular like you and your friends, but I thought it would be fun.

POPULAR GIRL: (smiling) Aw, that’s really sweet of you. I’d love to.

(SHY BOY’s face lights up with joy)

SHY BOY: (excited) Really? You’d go out with me?

POPULAR GIRL: (giggling) Yeah, I’m just messing with you. I wouldn’t be caught dead on a date with someone like you.

(SHY BOY’s face falls)

SHY BOY: (disappointed) Oh.

POPULAR GIRL: (laughing) Just kidding! Of course I’ll go out with you.

(SHY BOY’s face lights up again)

SHY BOY: (grinning) Thank you! This is the best day of my life!

POPULAR GIRL: (smiling) Anytime, loser.

(SHY BOY exits, happily)

(End scene)

The humor in this skit comes from the contrast between the popular girl’s confidence and the shy boy’s nervousness, and the unexpected turn of events when the popular girl agrees to the date.