Communication Theories

Media Communication Theories: A Study Guide

As you prepare for your upcoming exams, this guide will help you understand how to apply media communication theories in your analysis. Remember, these theories are tools to help you make sense of media works retrospectively.

Key Points to Remember

Communication theories provide a clear structure for analyzing media in your responses.

Media makers rarely use theory to inform their work. If you claim they did, you need strong evidence to support your claim.

We use media communication theories retrospectively to analyze media works.

Major Approaches to Media Theory

1. Media Effects Tradition

Focus: Media Effects

Research Method: Experimental Studies, Quantitative evidence

Key Criticism: Narrow focus on media effects, assumes media influences audiences

2. Cultural Studies Tradition

Focus: Individual media consumption and the construction of meaning

Research Method: Surveys and interviews, Qualitative evidence

Strength: Doesn't assume media influences audience, allows for complex ideas

Criticism: May ignore economic power structures in mass media

3. Political Economy Approach

Focus: Political and economic systems (e.g., government & regulation)

Research Method: Using models like Chomsky's Propaganda model

Key Questions: Who owns the media? Who benefits from it? Who has power and why?

Criticism: May not focus enough on cultural context of media production and consumption

Applying Theories in Your Writing

Identify the Theory: Clearly state which theory you're using to analyze the media work.

Explain the Theory: Briefly describe the key points of the theory.

Apply the Theory: Show how the theory helps explain or interpret the media work.

Provide Evidence: Use specific examples from the media work to support your analysis.

Consider Limitations: Discuss any limitations of the theory in explaining the media work.

Important Reminder

These theories are tools for analysis, not prescriptive rules. Different theories may offer different insights into the same media work. Your job is to use them thoughtfully to develop a well-reasoned analysis.

For a more detailed summary of some important and useful Communication Theories, download this document.

Additional Resources

Hypodermic Needle Theory

Agenda Setting Function Theory

Cultivation Theory

Spiral of Silence

Propaganda Model

Reinforcement Theory

Two-step Flow Theory

Uses and Gratification Theory

