Y11S2 Assessment Timeline & Contents

In Week 5 of Term 3, all students will present steps 1-3 to the rest of the class and the teacher(s) via a recorded video presentation which they upload to Microsoft Stream.  They will finish the presentation with the words, “can I please have some feedback from my peers and the teacher”.

Each student will be expected to offer at least one positive comment, and one suggestion for improvement in the comments section.  They will also be expected to respond to the feedback they receive.  Late submissions be penalised 10% on the first day, 20% on the second day, and will receive 0 marks on the third day.

1. Introduction

2. Research and Planning

3. Pre-Production

In Week 2 of Term 4, each student will will show their work and discuss their thoughts about how to move forward through a video presentation which they upload to Microsoft Stream.  They will finish their presentation with the words, “If my peers and teacher(s) have any thoughts on how I might be able to improve on my production, can you please let me know?”.

Each student will be expected to offer at least one positive comment, and one suggestion for improvement in the comments section.  Students will receive a mark for the feedback they give their peers, as well as their response to those who give them feedback.  Late submissions be penalised 10% on the first day, 20% on the second day, and will receive 0 marks on the third day.

4. Production

5. Editing

In Week 4 of Term 4, students will present their final piece to their peers and teacher(s) by uploading it to to Microsoft Stream.  They will finish their presentation with the words, “Are there any final tweaks I can do to improve it before the public screening next week?”.

Each student will be expected to offer at least one positive comment, and one suggestion for improvement in the comments section.  Students will receive a mark for the feedback they give their peers, as well as their response to those who give them feedback.  Late submissions be penalised 10% on the first day, 20% on the second day, and will receive 0 marks on the third day.

6. Post-Production

In Week 5 of Term 4, a public screening of all student films will be held in i23 on Tuesday, and students will submit a written reflection by Thursday.  Late submissions be penalised 10% on the first day, 20% on the second day, and will receive 0 marks on the third day.

Documentary Reflection

In this reflection, you will have the opportunity to consider your experiences creating a documentary for positive change. Reflecting on your work can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, as well as areas for improvement in future projects. Take some time to consider the following questions and be honest with yourself as you respond.

Reflecting on your work can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a filmmaker. By creating a documentary for positive change, you have the power to raise awareness, inspire action, and create a better future for all.

Use your reflections to inform your future work and continue to engage with issues that matter to you. Remember that there is always room for growth and improvement, and that each project is an opportunity to learn and evolve as a filmmaker and an agent of change.