Y12 Production Tasks

External Production Submission

You will complete one major production in Year 12 ATAR MPA to contribute 50% towards your school-based mark, and 50% towards your external practical examination.

Your teacher could structure the extended audio-visual production project as either a single task or as separate tasks. By completing stages of the production process, you explore ideas through creative processes to achieve aesthetic value in production. Independently, you manage a range of production processes, evaluating and modifying them as necessary. Your final submission must demonstrate an understanding of themes, styles, structures, codes and conventions. It is the hope that you will develop confidence and competence in the use of technologies, skills and processes, and refine the ability to reflect on and evaluate own and peer production work. (SCSA, p.15)

Follow the links below to access resources for each stage of the production process.

Pre-production Planning & Assessment Details

Production Filming & Assessment Details

Post-production Editing & Submission Requirements

SCSA links for External Production Submission

The practical (production) submission must be: 

The production can include, but is not restricted to, film, television or animation. 

Here are some useful links to assist with becoming familiar with the ATAR MPA Practical Exam structure and requirements:

Syllabus Elaborations | Production

Production (SCSA, p.5-6)

An essential part of the course is the opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of media concepts and theory practically in creating their own media work. 

Ideas and reflective practice 

Students explore and interpret media work to stimulate ideas and invigorate their creativity when producing their own media work. They are able to effectively articulate their media ideas with increasing innovation and independence. Students continuously reflect and modify their pre-production, production and post-production work to achieve their production goals. Reflecting on and evaluating their own, peer and professional work enables students an opportunity to improve their skills and understanding of the production process. 

Controls and constraints 

There are always restrictions or limitations to overcome within student production work. Students identify such constraints and critically engage with the problem-solving process to reach an intended outcome. This process may involve working collaboratively with peers, setting timelines and adapting creatively to solve problems. Students also develop a knowledge and understanding of the ethical and legal implications when creating media work. They become increasingly capable of self-managing these controls and constraints as they become more experienced producers of media work. 

Skills and processes 

Skills and processes integrate the practical skills and use of technologies required to produce a media work. Students are expected to use a production process which includes implementing pre-production techniques, fulfilling specific production roles, following health and safety guidelines and applying technologies in creative and original ways. The individual understanding and application of skills through specific roles within the production context aim to simulate industry production practices. 

Purpose and content 

The production and analysis basis of the course encourages students to reflect on the media work studied and to use this knowledge to create their own production work. Students develop an understanding of the purpose of a media work and are able to effectively apply codes and conventions that link to theme, genre, style or narrative and create meaning for their intended audience.