Year 10 Media Arts

Media learning modules

Welcome to Year 10 Media Arts 

We interact with media on a daily basis - watching YouTube, updating Instagram or listening to the radio on in the car. We make choices about media, and media communicates ideas to us. It is useful to think about and explore how media works, so that you can become an intelligent consumer and producer of media. 

The Media Arts curriculum is built around the two interrelated strands, Responding and Making.  This means we will spend some of our time studying media that other people have made, and some of our time making our own media.  Often both Responding and Making will be incorporated into a single learning module, so, in a given module we will watch and study existing screen production, study some storytelling and production techniques, then plan and produce our own.

You will find a set of learning modules via the side-menu.  Some are quite prescriptive, and some are very flexible.  The most recent addition, Enter 2024, facilitates a lot of freedom for students to work on project they wish to work on.

See Year 10 Media Arts Judging Standards here.