Tim Burton

Auteur Study and Film Analysis

Allow 6-8 hrs for this module


Our first activity will be to watch a film called Big Fish, by Tim Burton.  Tim Burton is often referred to as an auteur - a person whose filmmaking style is recognisable like a signature.  You will have to do a written task, answering questions about Tim Burton's filmmaking style, as well as common themes and motifs found in Tim Burton films.  You should have a look at Tim Burton's IMDb page, and do a bit of research on his filmmaking style.  Some pages to get you started are here, here, here and here.  

Watch Vincent and Frankenweenie too.  They're early Tim Burton films which reveal much about where he was headed as a young filmmaker.  Then, check out the videos on directors and auteurs before doing the written task.

More about Tim Burton's Visual Style and Themes

Tim Burton is known for his distinctive visual style, which often includes the use of unusual motifs and themes. Some common motifs in his films include:

Big Fish can be viewed for free on Clickview, using your College username and password.

In the film Big Fish, the main character Edward Bloom is portrayed as an outsider in several ways. He is a traveling salesman who spends much of his life on the road and is rarely home, which makes him somewhat of an outsider in his own family. Additionally, Edward is known for telling tall tales and exaggerating the truth, which often leads people to view him as strange or unreliable. The film explores the idea of the outsider and how Edward's unusual personality and life experiences have shaped him into the person he is.

There are several other characters in Big Fish who could be considered outsiders. One example is Will Bloom, the main character's son, who feels like an outsider in his own family due to his father's absences and his difficulty connecting with him. Another example is Karl the Giant, a character based on one of Edward's tall tales, who is an enormous man with a kind heart but is viewed as a freak by others due to his size. Additionally, there are several other characters in the film who are outsiders in their own way, such as the witch who lives in the woods and the mermaid who lives in the river, due to their unusual and fantastical natures.

Some other examples of Tim Burton films that specifically center around offbeat outsiders include: