Y10T3W2 - Impact on Media

Impact on Media - Audience, Purpose and Context
Allow approximately 6 hrs to complete this module.

For this module, you will complete an in-class written task which will be worth 5% of the year's total marks.  You will choose one of the questions below and write for the duration of one full period in exam conditions.

To support your argument, you will refer to at least one of the listed films in detail - the trailers are provided to help you decide which film to watch.  Some of the films are available through Clickview, using your College login.


To be best prepared for this task, you will need to watch the film as homework.   You should also research the topic you want to write about, in order to answer the question well.  Do this early, and talk about the films and your chosen question with your peers.

You will be marked on the quality and logic of your argument (12 marks), your use of media terminology (4 marks) and the quality of your references to the film (4 marks).   A glossary of media terminology can be found here.

The task will be hand-written in class.