Y12 Semester 2 - Power & Persuasion

Cathy Freeman walks a lap of honour, carrying the Australian and Aboriginal Flags, after winning Gold in the Women's 400 meters Finals.

Unit Overview

In this unit, you will participate in class discussion to examine the way that persuasive media and producers reflect, challenge and shape audience values and attitudes. 

By viewing and analysing media works from the documentary and news genres, you will extend your understanding of persuasive media by examining the nature of its influence, such as in propaganda and political persuasion. By participating in class activities and preparation for response tasks, you will explore the media’s potential to influence audiences. 

While working on completing your External Production Submission, you are encouraged to experiment with technologies, narratives, codes and conventions to express your ideas. By completing stages of the production process, you continue to extend and refine your own ideas and production skills. (adapted from SCSA, 2024, p.12)

How will I be assessed?

Unit 4 Written: Short Answer Response | Extended Response | Semester 2 Examination

Unit 4 Practical: External Production Submission

Short answer response questions are modelled on Section 1 of the ATAR MPA examination

You are required to answer two questions from a choice of five, referring to at least one of the media works studied in the lead-up to the assessment. You are expected to use relevant media terminology and/or appropriate media language. Total working time is 30 minutes. 

MARKING CRITERIA | Each question is worth 11 marks. Your engagement with each question will be graded according to the following levels of achievement:


6 - Analyse: Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications.

5 - Discuss: Identify issues and provide points for and/or against.

4 - Explains: Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how.

3 - Describes: Provide characteristics and features.

2 - Identifies: Recognise and name.

1 - Presents limited or superficial comments related to the question.

0 - No reference to the question.


Evidence to support answer: 3 – detailed evidence; 2 – some evidence; 1 – limited evidence.

Use of media language: 2 – consistent and appropriate use; 1 – general use.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your teacher could use their professional judgement and experience to allocate the full range of marks (0-100%) to responses, that could result in the allocation of 1/2 marks for in-school assessments.

Extended Response | In-class under invigilated conditions (12%)

Extended response questions are modelled on Section 2 of the ATAR MPA examination

You are required to answer one questions from a choice of two, referring to at least one of the media works studied in the lead-up to the assessment. You are expected to use relevant media terminology and/or appropriate media language. Total working time is 55 minutes.

MARKING CRITERIA | Each question is worth 20 marks. Your engagement with the chosen question will be graded according to the following levels of achievement:

Statement: Each question is structured around a statement to prompt your response.

Response structure: You are encouraged to use the four-part response structure that aligns with the marking criteria of the extended response.

Overview of media work | 4 marks

4 - Constructs an overview of media work that appropriately relates to the statement. 

3 - Provides brief overview that relates to the statement.

2 - Provides some relevant comments about media work with minor relevance to the statement. 

1 - Makes superficial comments about media work or the statement.

0 - No reference to media work or statement.

Summary, as relevant to the question | 4 marks

4 - Provides an accurate summary... 

3 - Provides a mostly accurate summary... 

2 - Provides some relevant comments... 

1 - Makes superficial comments... 

0 - No reference or insufficient evidence to assess...

Elaboration on point 1, as relevant to the question | 6 marks, typically assessed using the following descending scale of process words:

6 - Analyse: Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications.

5 - Discuss: Identify issues and provide points for and/or against.

4 - Explains: Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how.

3 - Describes: Provide characteristics and features.

2 - Identifies: Recognise and name.

1 - Presents limited or superficial comments related to the question.

0 - No reference to the question.

Elaboration on point 2, as relevant to the question | 6 marks, typically assessed using the following descending scale of process words:

6 - Analyse: Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications.

5 - Discuss: Identify issues and provide points for and/or against.

4 - Explains: Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how.

3 - Describes: Provide characteristics and features.

2 - Identifies: Recognise and name.

1 - Presents limited or superficial comments related to the question.

0 - No reference to the question.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your teacher could use their professional judgement and experience to allocate the full range of marks (0-100%) to responses, that could result in the allocation of 1/2 marks for in-school assessments.

This presentation suggests some strategies for deconstructing extended response questions:

Examination | Under invigilated conditions (30%)

The Semester 2 in-school examination - "Mock Exam" - is based on a representative sampling of the content for Unit 3 and Unit 4

Here are some useful links to assist with becoming familiar with the ATAR MPA Written Exam structure:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your teacher could use their professional judgement and experience to allocate the full range of marks (0-100%) to responses, that could result in the allocation of 1/2 marks for in-school assessments.

The practical (production) submission must be: 

The production can include, but is not restricted to, film, television or animation. 

Here are some useful links to assist with becoming familiar with the ATAR MPA Practical Exam structure and requirements: