Y11 Gen S1 Production

11MPA Gen: Production Task 1 – Student Directed Production

Written and Production Components

Weighting 35% - Due Term 2 Week 8


Task Description

This task is designed to help your teacher work out where your interests and creative passions lie, as well as identify your strengths and weaknesses in a production context.  This being the case, you are given a lot of say in what it is you produce, but to succeed you must satisfy certain outcomes.


You are required to produce a short screen production with a specific audience in mind.  The maximum duration is to be 5 minutes, but it can be shorter; in the case of a movie trailer or music video, for example.  In the case of shorter productions, say 1 minute, there must be evidence of high levels of complex and sophisticated use of technology – as often seen in blockbuster opening sequences, for example.


You will need to document your proposals, plans, designs and scripts, as well as your final production.  These will all be published on a website and the link will be sent to your teacher for monitoring and ongoing formative feedback.


This task may be done in groups, but all documentation must be done individually. Some specific details will be negotiated with your teacher, and these must be recorded in your documentation.

Assessment Aspects

There are four aspects of the production that you will be assessed on.


1.       How well your ideas, designs and production plans cater for your chosen audience appeal and account for production constraints.  Written Component A - 5

2.       How well your production journal documents your planning, production processes, and problem-solving. Written Component B - 5

3.   Use of technologies, codes and conventions to create meaning and develop ideas. Production Component C - 15

4.       Technical skills and processes. Production Component D - 15

Written Component
This component of the task will need to be done as part of your website, and you will need to email your teacher a link in Week 4, with the structure in place.

The Website

1.     In the Pages list to the right of the page, create a page within your website, called Semester 1 Production Journal.

2.     Still in the Pages lists, click on the three dots to the right of your newly created page and select Add Subpage.  Name it: Ideas, Designs and Production Plans.

3.     Still in the Pages lists, click on the three dots to the right of your Semester 1 Production Journal page and select Add Subpage.  Name it: Exploration of Technologies, Codes and Conventions.

4.     Still in the Pages lists, click on the three dots to the right of your Semester 1 Production page and select Add Subpage.  Name it: My Processes and Use of Technology.

5.     Still in the Pages lists, click on the three dots to the right of your Semester 1 Production page and select Add Subpage.  Name it: Use of Codes and Conventions for Audience, Purpose and Context.

6.     Still in the Pages lists, click on the three dots to the right of your Semester 1 Production page and select Add Subpage.  Name it: Semester 1 Production Diary.

7.     Now start populating these pages with relevant information about your production, using the title of each page as a guide to what you should include.  It might be best to create headings and subheadings to get started, and populate the sections in the coming weeks.


Regularly update your production journal during production to reflect your personal contribution to the production process and application of team skills. It must include examples of the following:

·       active listening

·       making decisions

·       goal setting

·       time management

·       fulfilment of individual production responsibilities.

Production Component

You will establish production goals in negotiation with your teacher, and while these will centre around your interests and skills, the assessment items listed above must be realistic and achievable.


It should be mentioned, that problem solving and use of media technology is often ‘invisible’ to the uninformed viewer, so you should make sure you document everything thoroughly in your journal as evidence of your learning and achievement.


·   Ensure appropriate copyright and talent release forms are completed and keep all documentation.

·   Ensure that the production complies with school policies and ethics and includes no offensive images.


·       T1W5       Preproduction – treatment, mood board, production plans and strategies

·       T1W9       Skills development in preparation for production

·       T2W5       Filming complete and rushes stored appropriately and securely

·       T2W7       Rough cuts and early feedback screenings

·       T2W8       Final Submissions